Water purification industry information

How to choose a reliable household water purifier? Here comes the water purifier buying guide

Views : 95246
Update time : 2022-06-30 15:42:32

With the continuous improvement of people's health awareness.

The requirements for the quality of drinking water are getting higher and higher.

All kinds of household water purifiers have also entered thousands of households.

QWhat is a water purifier?

A: The water purifier is a water quality processor, which uses municipal tap water or other centralized water supply as raw water, and after further treatment, improves the quality and taste of drinking water.

QIs the water purifier useful?

 A: After the qualified municipal tap water leaves the factory, it has to go through multiple links such as water supply pipe network and secondary water supply before entering the household. Household water purifiers can provide an extra layer of protection and safety upgrades.

Household water purifiers are related to drinking water sanitation and safety products (referred to as water wading products), which are related to the drinking water safety and health of residents. The health supervision and law enforcement agencies conduct health supervision and management of their production and sales.

QHow to buy a water purifier that suits you?

A: There are many types of household water purifiers, and the price fluctuates widely. How to choose and buy has become a difficult problem for the common people! Come and listen to Wei Jianjun teach you to choose a safe, hygienic, reliable and reliable household water purifier scientifically!

01Hygienic license approval is the key

Consumers should have the awareness of "requesting certificates" when purchasing water purifiers, by checking the sanitation license approval number on the product label and instruction manual, or directly asking the seller for the sanitation license approval document. Imported water-wading products are no exception.

Check in detail whether the information on the water-related product sanitation permit is consistent with the actual product information.

02Be careful when choosing different "films"

When consumers choose a water purifier, the most difficult thing is to face a series of "membrane", microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis... Different treatment methods have different effluent quality, consumers can choose according to Individual and family needs to choose. For example, the water after "reverse osmosis" treatment is close to pure water (pure water), consumers who have a soft spot for "mineral water" should seriously consider it.

03 It is forbidden to label the role of disease prevention and treatment

It is worth noting that some manufacturers will falsely exaggerate the functions of wading products, and illegally label the functions of "alkaline water", "activated water" and "oxygen-enriched water". In fact, water-wading products shall not expressly or imply that they have the effect of preventing and treating diseases, and consumers should purchase them according to their actual needs to avoid being misled.

04How often should the filter element be replaced?

The static water flow refers to the amount of water that the equipment can handle per unit time. Generally, how many liters are processed per minute. The rated total water purification capacity is the upper limit of the total processing capacity of the machine. If the upper limit is reached, the filter element of the water purifier should be replaced.

The time to replace the filter element is generally clearly marked on the instruction manual of the water purifier.

Kind tips
After the household water purifier is installed, hygienic maintenance measures such as replacing the filter element and membrane must be taken on time according to the instructions, otherwise it will easily cause secondary pollution of water quality.

For the water from the water purifier, from the perspective of hygiene and safety, it is recommended that you boil it before drinking it. Some users want to test the effluent quality after installation, they can contact a qualified water quality testing agency for sampling testing.

Finally, the European pigeon figures remind consumers that the municipal tap water has been purified, disinfected and multi-level tested, and the water quality meets the national drinking water hygiene standards. Everyone can drink it with confidence. The masses can buy household water purifiers according to their personal needs. Be alert to some Businesses exaggerate and falsely promote the health benefits of water purifiers.

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